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Auriculo Therapy in Dogs and Horses - Certified Training

Preis inkl. MWSt.: 360,00 €

Inklusive: 9 modules, E-book Ear acupuncture in dogs and horses
Level: Beginner and Advanced
Kurstyp: Permanent online course
Dauer: 12h 20min
Nachweis: Qualification certificate

Preis inkl. MWSt.: 360,00 €

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What is this course about?

The course teaches the basics of auriculotherapy according to P. Nogier and R. Bourdiol, the discoverers and developers of auriculotherapy, in its application to the ear of the dog and the horse. You will learn about the transposed ear somatotopes as well as old and new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to the ear of the dog and horse and thus the potential treatment spectrum of auriculotherapy in animals. On this basis, you can develop auriculotherapy into your leading discipline and use it for the diagnosis and supportive therapy of a wide range of disorders - or you can simply use it pragmatically and to a limited extent to augment your treatment focus.

Who is the course suitable for?

The course is suitable for all animal therapists who are interested in the unique diagnostic and therapeutic approach of auriculotherapy. As a veterinarian, animal naturopath, animal physiotherapist or animal osteopath, you can specialize in auriculotherapy or integrate it into your treatment spectrum in a solution-oriented way. No matter how much importance you attach to auriculotherapy: Our course will show you the potential variety of possibilities.

Our training is unique, as the localizations on the animal ear are based on P. Nogier's original somatotopes, which have been transferred to the animal ear.

How long is the course and how is it structured?

The course is a highly compact 2-day course lasting 12 to 13 hours.
It consists of 2 introductory modules (intros), 3 main modules and 4 complementary modules.


  • The background to auriculotherapy (40 min)
  • The discovery and development of auriculotherapy (1 h)

Main modules

  • The musculoskeletal system (2 h 40 min)
  • The internal organs, the cardiovascular system, the endocrine system (1 h 30 min)
  • The nervous system (1 h 10 min)

Complementary modules

  • Diagnostic and therapeutic methods of ear acupuncture (2 h 10 min)
  • The RAC/VAS (The Nogier pulse) (2 h 10 min)
  • The 10 rules of auriculotherapy (40 min)
  • The Nogier frequencies (45 min)

You can download the detailed course schedule here.

Course materials

As free bonus material you will receive the e-book Ear Acupuncture for Dogs and Horses (Claudia Loyall, Anja Fuechtenbusch) in the form of a PDF download.
Among other instructions, this book contains all the ear maps for ear acupuncture in dogs and horses as well as detailed point descriptions.

What skills will you acquire with this course?

You will learn the original auriculotherapy in its transfer to the animal ear. You will be able to apply the diagnostic and therapeutic techniques of ear acupuncture to the ears of dogs and horses. You will be able to detect points with the help of the RAC and monitor your therapy. You will be able to recognize and treat active points in individual cases, as well as apply simple, overarching therapy protocols. You will understand the principles of ear acupuncture and be able to apply them practically to your main fields of treatment.

What certification will you receive?

After completing the course, you will receive the Qualification certificate auriculotherapy veterinary medicine (auriculo.org).

Your trainers

Dr. Claudia Loyall will guide you through the main modules and practical finesses of auriculotherapy. The contents of other modules are read by other lecturers.

How long do you have to complete the course?

You should complete the course within one year, although there is no time limit and you will retain access to your account. We cannot guarantee "lifetime access".

Course fee incl. course materials

360,00 € incl. VAT